Saturday, May 8, 2010


Oh Thou who dwellest in the light that is unapproachable and full of glory, who is in the fullest of time didst send Thy Son who is the light of the world, in His light may we see light clearly. In His light may we see the majesty of Thy being and the graciousness of Thy purpose. In His light may we see our world and understand it, in this the time in which our lot is cast.
To that end bless us as we assemble together here seeking Thy light upon our work. Graciously grant, O Lord of light and glory, that this journal may ever be loyal to Thy truth and to Thy gracious purpose for the world, and may it too be ever relevant to the time in which we live and to its challenge. May the Holy Spirit of truth lead us into all truth. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is light and live and the way to both, graciously grant us a sense of His luminous presence that we may truly guided in all our deliberations, whether to analyze or decide, whether to explore Thy will or to be challenged by human need, in the name of Him who taught us to pray when we say: Our Father, who art in Heaven . . .

John A. Mackay (1889-1983). This prayer was offered by Dr. Mackay as president emeritus of Princeton Theological Seminary and honorary chairman of the Editorial Council of Theology Today at its meeting in Princeton on April 14, 1961. The motto of the journal at the time and until 1990, given to it by Dr. Mackay, was “Our Life in God’s Light.”

Dikutip dari A book of Reformed Prayers, (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1998) 116.

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